Senior Pastor Brown is a second-generation pastor who harvests the acumen of his former predecessor while blazing new paths for the Glory of God.
His mission is to inform, inspire, and incite the people of God to redouble their relationship with God and His Kingdom; admonishing all to unite with its facilitator, the church. Because of this, Pastor Brown is viewed as a modern-day churchman with a sage’s spirit by his peers and the public.

Senior Pastor
Bill Brown
Pastor Bill H. Brown is the Senior Pastor of the Christ Unity Evangelistic Church (CUE). The gospel of Jesus Christ as shared by this chosen vessel provides keen revelation and illumination of the word to the non-believers, babes in Christ and “seasoned” saints alike. His apostolic anointing invokes the presence of God establishing the prevalence of deliverance, healing, and miracles within each worship experience.
Pastor Brown is a second-generation pastor who harvests the acumen of his former predecessor while blazing new paths for the Glory of God. His mission is to inform, inspire, and incite the people of God to redouble their relationship with God and His Kingdom; admonishing all to unite with its facilitator, the church. Because of this, Pastor Brown is viewed as a modern-day churchman with a sage’s spirit by his peers and the public.
His leadership ability has allowed him to rise to the leadership ranks of Presbyter and Overseer of two renowned reformations: Pilgrim Assemblies International under the general leadership of Chief Prelate, Archbishop Roy E. Brown and United Pentecostal Churches of Christ under the general leadership of Chief Prelate Bishop J Delano Ellis.
Pastor Brown has served on civic and community platforms with the intent of being a proponent for change. Pastor Brown is a proponent of empowerment, standing firm on his beliefs that the Kingdom of God is the only hope for a dying humanity. His personal mantra is “Grasping Kingdom Perspective ... Living the Kingdom Lifestyle."
Pastor Brown’s infectious passion for Kingdom excellence is noted by all who come in contact with him. He promotes a Kingdom lifestyle that is attainable by consistent adherence to the principles as found in the Word of God. Through his word ministry Kingdomcentricity, and C.R.E.D.O., a community-based organization for economic empowerment. Pastor Brown has been able to increase his capacity in local and national arenas to address various spiritual and natural issues faced in contemporary society. To better service his constituents and the community at large, Pastor Brown became a certified Champlain with The American Global Christian Association.
Pastor Brown is an avid animal lover, which can be witnessed by the time and effort he spends as a hobbyist and developing an equestrian lifestyle. With a home base in Chicago, IL, Pastor Brown has been blessed to serve in pastoral ministry with his wife, Executive Pastor Diane Brown, affectionately known as “Lady Di” which has enhanced his ability to fulfill his kingdom assignment.